The Growth Matching™ Exercise

growth matching Apr 22, 2022

Most of us go through the motions each week and do what is placed in front of us. We answer the calls, emails and the texts that come to our phone.

We comment on the posts that show up in our social feeds. We do the assignments we are told to do. And we tackle the problems that present themselves. We do what needs to be done. And doing just this, makes us exhausted.

I'm going to share with you a quick exercise that can change your life forever.

It will help you take the leadership role in your own life that you were always meant to have. It will help you align what you do with how you want to grow. 

The Growth Matching™ Exercise
Take a few minutes and pull out a piece of paper. I call this matching exercise, Growth Matching™ 

Step 1: My Focus This Week
On the left side of the paper write down a list of the five to ten things you plan on spending your time on this week, in priority order.

I recommend you keep this to ten, but I've seen people that do more than 50. Each item should include specifics on time length and purpose. For example, don't simply right down "exercise", write out "30 minutes daily cardio".

Step 2: Who Matters Most
On the middle of your paper, write down a list of the five to ten people that matter most in your life, in priority order.  Don't forget to include yourself. 

Step 3: Match
Draw a line from each of the things you will focus on this week to the people that will grow because of what you do. You can also look at it by who you will serve.

Step 4: Growth
To the right of each person, describe how they will grow as a result of what you focus on this week. The growth area that you help someone else grow, is how you grow. Both you and who you are serving grow in the same areas. See our Personal Growth Model on for a list of growth areas.

Here is an example:

By studying the example above, you will notice that the Growth Matching exercise can help you:

1) Recognize how you are growing.

2) Realize who you are truly prioritizing.

3) Optimize what you focus on.

I invite you to take the time to go through this exercise today. It may just save your week, and your life!

The Discover Possible Blue Book is a multi-volume eBook series of books that will take you through the lives of some of the most accomplished individuals that have lived.

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