What You Focus on is Who You Grow

personal growth model Mar 03, 2022

Who are you growing?

It's easy for us to think in terms of "What are you growing?" or "What do you do?".

You could be focused on growing:
- your department so you can have a bigger budget
- your share of the market so you could increase revenues
- your share of shelf, or share of voice, to grow awareness of your products or services
- your evaluation so you can raise more money efficiently
- your stock price
- your salary
- your bank account

But, what if instead you focused on "Who are you growing?"

Everything you focus on and spend time on is affecting you and others. Who are you growing?

What you focus on, is who you grow.

You can look at this from many different angles:
1) What you spend time on benefits one or more people. Who are those people you are growing?

For example, let's take the first scenario above. If you're spending a quarter of your time during the week focused on growing the department you work for in an established company, who are you growing? Your manager? Or if you're the manager, you're probably growing your director, your VP, your CEO. You are also growing all the team members, partners, customers, and vendors associated with the services and products produced by said department. 

But in what ways are you growing the above individuals? In the software company I built, I saw thousands of stories of how product and services actually impacted the lives of people and businesses. What I learned is that most people don't take the time to actually measure the impact a product or service has in their life. And most of the time, nor do the businesses that create the product or service. 

2) What you spend your time on affects your personal growth. 

If you believe that to be true. Then you need to understand how what you are doing is affecting your personal growth. And to do this, you need to first understand the actual growth areas in a person's life. 

In the next posts, we will dive deeper into "What are the growth areas in your life?". It may surprise you, but what many people think they are growing isn't actually something they can grow. 

The Discover Possible Blue Book is a multi-volume eBook series of books that will take you through the lives of some of the most accomplished individuals that have lived.

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