Coaching to Discover What's Possible in Your Life

You may not be Jeff Bezos, Oprah Winfrey, or Brené Brown, but you have the same potential they do.  Get one-on-one coaching to discover what's possible in your life. 

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What is Discover Possible Coaching?


Defining what's possible in your life isn't easy, and nor is prioritizing your ideas, and bringing them to life. Especially when you consider each of the four possibility dimensions: spiritual & physical, social & family, educational, and financial. Discover Possible Coaching gives you 1-on-1 personalized coaching at each growth stage of your life. 

Defining Who You Are

Defining who you are doesn't just happen once. This growth stage repeats itself throughout your life. It is the foundation of the next two growth stages.

Getting Infected with Ideas 

Each of us process thousands of ideas a day. But how do you know if an idea has actually infected you? And which idea do you prioritize?

Bringing Ideas to Life

Growth happens when you bring an idea to life. But what determines how much you grow? And in what areas?

Who Needs a Discover Possible Coach?

Everyone that wants to grow, or doesn't want to grow, limits themselves as they go through the three growth stages. A Discover Possible Coach is trained to help you grow beyond your own limitations.

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Testimonial: Product Manager at Meta AR/VR

Earlier in his career, Tanner Rhodes interned at Facebook. Patrick helped Tanner orient himself as he thought about where he wanted to take his career next. Tanner Rhodes is currently product manager at Meta working on AR/VR.


Testimonial: MBA Candidate & Professional Tennis Player

Sebastian Serrano is a first year BYU MBA and Professional Tennis Player. Working with Patrick has helped Sebastian figure out who he is and what he is meant to do. Sebastian just landed the internship he was looking for at the fast growing tech startup, Workstream.


How Will a Discover Possible Coach Benefit You?


First, a Discover Possible Coach will help you understand and apply the Discover Possible System™ into your daily life. This includes the Personal Growth Model™, your Circle of Possibility™, the Discover Possible Timeline™, and the Cycle of Creation™. As you utilize each of these growth tools, they will need to be personalized to your own circumstances. A Discover Possible Coach has experience in personalizing these growth tools with people of all walks of life.

Secondly, each of you will have questions and wonder if what you have considered is good enough, or if there may be even more. This is where a Discover Possible Coach can help you expand your thinking and imagination with knowledge and experience beyond your own. Helping to prepare you appropriately to prevent common mistakes along the way.

Thirdly, accountability, follow-up, and feedback is one of the most important aspects of any growth stage. Your Discover Possible Coach is trained to provide you with the right balance of accountability, follow-up and feedback. 

Lastly, each of us can benefit from a trusted coach that is only a phone call, or a text message, or a virtual video conference away.  

Apply for a Discover Possible Coach

Are you ready to discover what's possible in your life? Apply for a Discover Possible Coach today! You will receive an email to schedule a discovery call at our earliest availability.